The school of storm can only be mastered perfectly by a very skillful wizard. (with awesome accuracy stats of course)

Monday, February 13, 2012

Upcoming updates on my website

I am so sorry I havent posted in a while but I will make it up to my audience by maybe hosting some competitions in future times. I will keep things updated more often as well. I really hope you will forgive me with my absence on my blog. I will also keep my website updated with wizard101 ravenwood news and updates in the game. When I host a competition in the near future be sure to follow my website to enter. Also please make sure you have some kind of account I can contact you from (excluding facebook sorry). I have a Twitter account so you can contact me there or by the email option at the bottom of my webpage if you have any problems. I will also keep all of my posts updated on Twitter for the latest news about my website.

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