The school of storm can only be mastered perfectly by a very skillful wizard. (with awesome accuracy stats of course)

Sunday, October 30, 2011

My Future Pet

After searching through an endless amount of pets I think I might have found the one. I hatched my epic spinyfish with a aqua dragon and got the aqua dragon and it has some awesome talent stats. It has 3 epic talents! I've gotten it to adult so far and I am happy with how it has turned out. I'm hoping to get "may cast unicorn" because the other pet had that so if I train it hard enough I might get it. I will post a picture of the talent if I get it but for now here's what I got.

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Some Major Changes

First of all I found out about another really cool trick that is way better than what I have now so I have to restart. I'll say that I might be done with all of my decoration in a month so that is when I will upload a video of a fully decorated house. But in the meantime I will keep you busy with other post. I'm kinda gonna change the subject from crafting to pets so be sure to take note of that.

Monday, October 24, 2011

Decoration Project Done!

My project believe it or not is finished mainly because I had already gather a lot of money for the materials. Unfortunetly that's just the problem. I have spent all my gold on my project so I won't be able to upload a video just yet but just wait I will. Anyway, here's a photo of my project finished. I still have a little things I gotta do with it but it is pretty much done.
So I made walls surrounding the arena which is commonly used for arenas.
You might be able to see what is special about it if you look hard. There's a ceiling!
Yea, but with a catch while in the arena the ceiling is see through when looking up!
That is probably the only little thing I need do though.

Video Info

Just like I promised I am working on that video but first I need to get done with a special project that has to do with the arena in my Celestial Observatory. You might have seen this in many of your friends arenas however this one has something very special about it. Once I've uploaded the video you can see what I mean, well anyways back to work.

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Final Observatory Update!

After all of that hard work I am finally done with the Celestial Observatory! I took a picture of it so enjoy. I will try to upload a video when I'm finished with the decorating.

Celestial Observatory Update

Finally my Celestial Observatory is going to be finished. All I need to get is 1 sunstone! Even though I only need one sunstone there is a downside to my crafting. My timer slot to craft the Celestial Observatory isn't going to open up until roughly around 12:30 Eastern. I'll make sure to upload the picture right away though. Maybe on my next post I'll upload a video of what it looks like after I'm finished decorated it. If you wanted to know Western and Central time for the upload here are the times:


Friday, October 21, 2011

Celestial Observatory Update

I have had a slight setback with my Celestial Observatory due to the new stuff that just came out the past few days. By the way did you see the Sun Palace the gorilla there is huge, and that rhino wow just amazing stuff. But anyway the Celestial Observatory should be done by Sunday or maybe even Monday is depends on my time slots.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Celestial Observatory Update

I come a really long way but finally I am nearly done with my Celestial Observatory. I have predicted that it will be finished by Friday night. But of course to accomplish that goal I need to finish farming my sunstone/pearls. I need 22 more sunstones and about 110 pearls which to me in three days is a peace of cake. I do also need to get some fire blossoms but that will be a snap. But anyway finding sunstone at bazaar is way to hard so I have decided to just buy the sandstone at bazaar and get the sunstone from a selection of bosses, I know who drops it. My favorite person to fight is Nuncio in the Crustacean Empire. But of course there are others. Well on my next Celestial Observatory Update I'm sure I'll be nearly done. Here's a picture of what I need left.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Craft Quests

The crafting quests are my most favorite recipes to do when it comes to hard work and effort. The first and second craft quests for Wizard city and Krokotopia are really easy until you move on to the Marleybone craft quest. I actually put off crafting until I beat Marleybone because I thought it wasn't fun. When i was finished with the easy craft quests I started to like crafting. Once I beat Marleybone and Mooshu crafting quests things started to get challenging. It became a burden on the amount of gold I was spending. I was working on my craft quests for hours every day. The huge setback that made the quests take so long was the crafting slots. When I had everything ready for the recipe I couldn't craft it because I had already crafted something else for the quest. I think that KingIsle should change this so that it would take less time. This was especially a problem when doing the Celestia craft quest. It took me almost 5 months to complete the quest. The more bigger the recipe the longer it took for the timer count down, and the celestia grandmaster recipe is huge. I finally got done with it all and I loved the challenge of finding all of the reagents. I also worked on a set of storm clothes which had awesome stats for a crafting challenge. I will save my thoughts on that in my next post.

Wizard101 Crafting

I love to craft especially if it's a challenging recipe. Although it takes tons of gold I love going through the process of farming for reagents and gold. I get a lot of my gold in multiple places but the main place i visit is stormriven in celestia. There is a set of bosses there that give awesome items for good gold. Another place I go, partically for my reagents, is the portico in celestia. It is a great place to find pearl, kelp, and shell spawns. Otherwise I buy them at bazaar. Bazaar is another great place to buy reagents. Well I've gone through all the good places to find crafting material so this ends my post.